
Advocacy is the heart of PTA and central to our mission. 

TAKE ACTION for Nevada children and youth today! SIGN UP for our action alerts and to contact your elected officials.

2021 Legislative Priorities

  • Emphasize Educational Equity & Opportunity

    • Revenue – Commit resources to provide stable, sufficient, and sustainable revenue to meet the needs of Nevada’s students, workforce, and economy.
    • Equity – Increase educational equity by:
      • Support for implementation of student-centered funding formula to meet the needs of all Nevada students
      • Support for closing the digital divide to ensure all students have appropriate technology, connectivity, and the opportunity for effective engagement
    • Class Sizes – Establish and provide funding for reasonable class sizes to support student achievement, and to support student, teacher and staff safety and health
    • Efficiency and Accountability – Oppose all unfunded mandates and support measures that eliminate duplicative and ineffective practices

    Support Comprehensive Safety and Support Measures

    • Physical and Mental Health – Increase access to nursing, mental health, counseling, and social work services for all Nevada students
    • Classroom and School
      • Support professional development funding for all school-based employees, including current health, safety, and welfare best practices
      • Support initiatives that foster a safe and supportive school climate for every child such as positive and equitable discipline, inclusion policies, and programs, including social emotional learning for all Nevada students
    • Family & Community Engagement – Support policies and initiatives that engage home, school and community together in mental and physical health and safety measures

    Encourage Federal Investment in Nevada Education

    • Federal Funding – Support full funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and all other federal laws affecting Nevada’s children and their families, including expansion of funding for Statewide Family Engagement Resource Centers (SFECs)
    • Broadband Access – Support policies and initiatives that ensure broadband internet becomes available to all Americans 

advocacy resources

Want to be a voice for children? Contact your elected officials. Click here to find your Nevada representatives. 

PTA is the oldest and largest volunteer child advocacy association in the United States. Founded in 1897, PTA has a long, successful history of influencing federal policy to promote the education, health and wellbeing of all children—resulting in kindergarten classes, child labor laws, school lunch programs, a juvenile justice system, and strengthened parent-teacher relationships. National PTA continues that legacy today
by fighting for change under its federal public policy priorities:

• Family Engagement in Education
• Quality Education for All Children
• Adequate Funding for Education
• Child Health and Nutrition
• Safe Schools and Communities
• Fair Juvenile Justice Laws

Click here to access National PTA Advocacy Resources

The Nevada Legislature website provides many ways to stay informed and provide input on state issues. 

Helpful Links

Resolution (Passed at state convention May 12, 2018)

Back Ground Checks and Fingerprinting Financial Burden

Whereas in 2017 the Nevada Legislature passed SB287 The Child Protect Law requiring all volunteers with unsupervised or regular contact with students be fingerprinted

Whereas the Nevada PTA supports volunteers in schools and feels they are a vital part of the school community

Whereas SB287 puts an undue financial burden on volunteers and creates inequity among socioeconomic groups.

Whereas in creating the law the Nevada Legislature failed to fund the mandate and did not set forth guidelines for school districts to follow to ensure uniformity throughout the State.

Resolved that Nevada PTA work with partners and legislators to eliminate the financial burden placed on volunteers for background checks and fingerprints.

View and Download the Legislative Resolution Book (2009)

National Resources

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